Holistic. Rejuvenating. Healing.
Category Yoga Class
I am excited to announce that starting January 12, 2019, I will be starting my Winter Yoga Series for Kids/Youth!! This series is introduces Yoga to kids and their families. There are many challenges that children face today. These take on various forms such as distractions, temptations, over stimulation, bullying, etc. Families are challenged with how to reach their children, and to do more with less. Yoga is a great way for children to learn how to handle the stresses of their life in a healthy and productive manner. There are numerous benefits to practicing yoga, and these benefits aren’t limited to only adults. Children can reap the many benefits of consistent yoga sessions as well. Some of the benefits of practicing yoga include?

  • Improve flexibility
  • Build Muscle strength
  • Protect your spine
  • Improves posture
  • Increases blood flow
  • Boosts Immune System
  • Makes you happier
  • Sets the foundation for a healthy lifestyle
  • Relaxes your system
  • Helps you to focus
  • Increases your self Esteem

The list of benefits to yoga can go on forever. However these are only a few of the many things yogis and families can look out for. The Kid’s/Youth Winter Series is focused on breathing and awareness of one’s self. As a result, yogis learn different lessons at each class, and are encouraged to take the lesson home to share with others. Each session is taught using languages kids can understand. Since this series is specifically for them, yogis practice poses using fun names. The focus isn’t on having each student get into the perfect asana/pose.


My intention is to help students discover more about themselves and to have fun while doing it. Successful completion of this series is defined by the goals yogis set for themselves. This can mean yogis know how to control their breathing when in stressful situations, or they are consistent in pursuing and reaching the goals that they set for themselves. Ideally, ogis are able to share their knowledge with others.

Get Involved

Parents are invited to be actively involved in the series, For instance, parents can join their yogi(s) in practicing breathing exercises at home. As parents, your influence and support is very much needed. If you are inspired, pull up a mat, and join in! Throughout the next several weeks, you are invited to visit my blog or sign up for our news letter to not only find out the latest that is happening at Onyeka Tefari, but to get the week by week breakdown of what each session is covering. If you haven’t already done so, please like, share, and comment on my Facebook page. Additional offers are provided there as well.


When: Every Saturday at 2:00 PM
Where: Martin Luther King Junior Recreational Center (6401 Skyline Drive San Diego CA 92114)
Who: Children ages 5+ (Parents are welcomed to join)

I look forward to seeing you in a session very soon!


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