Holistic. Rejuvenating. Healing.
In case you weren’t aware, California has allowed massage to reopen in some counties. San Diego specifically has reopened massage, and have recommended that massage therapists follow industry guidance as it relates to personal care services. With the CAMTC clearing massage therapists, the County approving massage therapists resuming work, and the American Massage Therapy Association also approving starting back work, the decision is now to decide what to do.

I had previously weighed reopening when massage was cleared on June 19th, and decided to remain close based on what I was observing here in San Diego as far as Covid-19 goes. I have reviewed my ability to keep my clients, my family, and myself safe, while providing on-site massage, yoga instruction, and yoni steam facilitation. With that said, I have decided to continue providing in-person services beginning August 3, 2020. This date is of course contingent on San Diego county  remaining on track to bend the curb of new infections coupled with massage services being approved to remain open.


In an effort to keep everyone safe, below are the guidelines that were provided by the county that myself and my clients will need to comply with.

  • Provide temperature and/or symptom screenings for myself and clients at the beginning of each appointment. A Covid release online form will need to be filled out prior to the appointment.
  • Self screening will be performed ahead of me leaving for the appointment, and a confirmation call made to the client to perform a self screen of theselves. We will also use this time/check in to review the completed covid release form.
  • I encourage everyone to make their health and safety a priority. If you are not feeling well, we will reschedule for a later date. If I am not feeling well, I will reschedule all appointments and work individually with clients to reschedule all affected appointments.
    • I will contact all clients before visits to confirm appointments and ask if they or someone in their household is exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms. If the customer answers in the affirmative the appointment will be rescheduled. I request that customers use face coverings during the visit when in the supine position (facing up).
    • Clients are requested to have a space dedicated for our sessions free of others coming into the area.
  • I am required to wear protective equipment, including eye protection, face shields, and protective gloves when necessary.
  • In addition to my current practice of washing my hands prior to treatment, and immediately after treatment, hand washing and sanitizing will happen upon entering the site, between position change from prone to supine, and if I come in contact with any surfaces on site.
  • Wearing gloves will be done in conjunction with regular hand washing and will not be used as a substitute for regular hand washing.
  • I will make use of goggles or face shields in addition to face coverings during the provision of services, particularly during face to face encounters.
  • Clients will be screened upon arrival. Be prepared to have your appointment canceled or rescheduled if you have any signs of illness.
Slow Reopening

These are surely unprecedented times, and we are learning new things about Covid-19 daily. For my initial reopening, I will be scheduling only one (1) in person appointment a day during the weekdays, and two (2) in person appointments on the weekends. By limiting the number of appointments I am accepting, I am able to ensure that I don’t inadvertently put myself or others at risk.

As always, your continued support is very much appreciated! I have been able to expand my online yoga offerings thanks to your support. I look forward to working with each of you, and helping to serve as a member of your integrative health team. Be sure to schedule your appointment to reserve a spot!

Best Regards;

Onyeka Tefari


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