Holistic. Rejuvenating. Healing.
I usually reserve Saturdays for creating something, but today I am going to be cleaning up the massage space. As I work in the space, I will pour love into it. As I mentioned yesterday, I hated that I had to fix so many things around this place, but everything came out even better once I was done. This massage space will be no different. When you step into my garden space, you are filled with peace, calmness, inspiration, and hope. I poured a lot of love into creating that space, and it physically manifested itself.

With rain on the forecast for tomorrow, I am not sure what all I will be doing today. Perhaps, I will work on just getting all of the water dried out in the space. The barrels that I set up outside also revealed how much of a swamp my yard space can be. When I did a walk around the property, water was holding everywhere! I had to make a trench for water to be directed toward the storm gutters. The lavender beds were flooded, so I am really hoping for sun for a few days to dry things up.

Getting dirty

At least the sun is shining now, so I am hoping that as I work with all of this water I don’t get too cold. This clean up will also give me a chance to take some before photos. Hopefully in a year from now, or sooner, I can look back at these photos and this blog. My hope is my massage space will be up and operating at full capacity. In the main time, I need to get dirty, and start scrubbing and washing, and cleaning.

If we weren’t in rona times, I would have invited friends over who would want to hang out and help. I could definitely use the company and encouragement. For now though, I am accepting the support virtually. 😘 My space is a decent size, but I don’t think we can properly honor social distancing suggestions in it with the work that needs to be done.

Have a great day!

Enough about my projects though. I hope you all are holding up well, and you are safe. I would love to hear what you are working on, or how you are doing day to day. Drop a comment or message. I can’t wait to hear from you all!


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