Holistic. Rejuvenating. Healing.
yoni steam
Perhaps after reading my original What is a Yoni Steam post, you want more information.Today I will be going over things you should consider that may be contraindications for scheduling a yoni steam.  Yoni steaming or vaginal steaming is something that has been practiced for many years in different cultures. It is universal practice women have used since ancient times in different places around the world including numerous countries in Africa, South America, Asia, and North America (Mexico specifically). It is included as part of the self care regimen for many women where once or twice a month (before and after the monthly cycle) women sit or squat over steaming water that contains a special blend of herbs.  Yoni steaming is showing potential to help with an array of concerns from cramps to bacterial vaginosis to fibroids. One of the things that makes vaginal steaming so great is that it’s extremely gentle and simply involves sitting over a pot of herbal steam

The herbs used in steaming include a unique combination of motherwort, mugwort, rosemary, basil, yarrow, and others. As previously mentioned, those who steam regularly have reported having reduction and/or elimination of the cramps associated with menstruation, a more predictable cycle, shortened or decreased menstrual flow, and less bloating. There are a ton other reported benefits from those who opt to include Yoni Steams as part of their monthly routine.


While Yoni steaming has many reported benefits, there are some conditions that make it contraindicated for you. These include:

  • Menstruation:
    • While yoni steaming addresses a myriad of concerns related to your cycle, steaming during active menstruation or fresh spotting is contraindicated. Steaming can cause heaving bleeding by speeding the up the flow of blood. You should schedule your steams before and after your period. This will help to aid in the natural cleansing of the uterus that occurs during the period.
  • Pregnancy & insemination:
    • While trying to conceive: While yoni steaming is helpful in aiding healthy conception and is excellent to promote healing after giving birth, steaming while pregnant is contraindicated. It can be dangerous because steaming relaxes and opens the cervix which could result in a miscarriage or early labor. Additionally, anyone who is trying to conceive, they can steam during the time from after the last period up until the point of ovulation. Steaming after insemination can interfere with the sperm fertilizing and implanting.
  • Miscarriage:
    • Yoni steaming is absolutely beneficial and helpful for recovery after a miscarriage. However, you shouldn’t schedule your steam until after the pregnancy matter had cleared out. If you steam before the pregnancy matter has cleared out, and the bleeding has turned to brown, this can result in heavy bleeding.
  • Spontaneous heavy bleeding:
    • If you have two periods a month (spontaneous heavy bleeding), yoni steaming is contraindicated. As previously mentioned, steaming speeds up circulation and opens the cervix. This may cause spontaneous bleeding to occur, and can be dangerous when it is heavy. If you want to steam, you should first get the having bleeding under control first. I suggest seeking out a qualified acupuncturist first who can help get this condition under control.

What to Expect?

When you visit me for a yoni steam, I setup a private area where you can set your intentions, relax, and truly enjoy your experience. If you have a preference for the sounds you would like to hear during your session, we make those available to you. Your blend of herbs is prepared based on your intake form feedback, and we get your steam going. All of our steams include a relaxing foot soak that further encourages your relaxation, rejuvenation, and restoration using our specially blended foot soak mix.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact me to schedule your initial consultation and/or to schedule your next yoni steam!


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